Thursday, October 15, 2009

#Vegan ABC's: Hazelnuts fight heart disease & prevent cancer

As one would guess, hazelnuts come from hazel trees. They are also called cob nuts or filberts. Grown commercially in Washington and Oregon, many of the world's hazelnuts come from Turkey. Hazelnuts are one of the richest sources of vitamin E, as well as essential amino acids, calcium and magnesium, and a powerful antioxidant called proanthocyanidin.
  • Vitamin E: Just 25-30 grams of hazelnuts provides 100% of the RDI for vitamin E. Studies have shown vitamin E can reduce cholesterol and prevent cancers of the colon and prostrate. Vitamin E may also reduce cellular aging, prevent blood clots, protect the nervous system, and lower the risk of heart disease.

  • Essential amino acids: Our body builds all the protein it needs from amino acids. Amino acids are the build blocks of protein. Many amino acids can be synthesized but the nine essential amino acids cannot and must come from our foods. Hazelnuts are rich in protein as well as nine essential amino acids, making them an ideal food source.

  • Calcium and magnesium: Many people know the importance of calcium for strong bones, but few know that calcium is useless without adequate magnesium. A single cup of hazelnuts supplies 55% of the daily RDI of magnesium and 15% of the calcium!

  • Proanthocyanidin: "Hazelnuts also have one of the highest Proanthocyanidin (PAC) contents among ”superfoods” and the second highest among nuts." according to the Hazelnut Council. Proanthocyanidins (PAC), or oligomericproanthocyanidins (OPC), are a class of flavonoids that are powerful antioxidants. Research suggests proanthocyanidins prevent atherosclerosis, protect against cancer, and keep our skin looking young!
Even the FDA is jumping on the hazelnut bandwagon! In 2003 the FDA approved the following health claim: “Scientific evidence suggests, but does not prove, that eating 1.5 ounces per day of most nuts, such as hazelnuts, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease.”

Those are pretty strong words for a
government agency! So eat your hazelnuts and enjoy a long life!

Hazel Nut Council, Hazelnut & Health, Vitamin E Information, Nutrition Data, Proanthocyanidin Power, Wikipedia: Hazelnut & Proanthocyanidin

Monday, October 12, 2009

#Vegan ABC's: Guava is thought to fight cancer, hypertension & heart disease!

Guava is native to Central America and South America and guava leaves are still used as a traditional remedy for diarrhoea, dysentery, fever and even diabetes. Guava has been shown to help hypertension and strengthen the heart, and even fight cancer. A single guava fruit contains more than four times the vitamin C of an orange, plus potassium, magnesium, and lycopene.
  • Vitamin C: Enough cannot be said for the benefits of vitamin C. Oxidative stress is when there are more reactive oxygen species or "free radicals" in the body than antioxidants to neutralize them. Diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, heart attack, stroke, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, arthritis, and several other conditions have been linked to oxidative stress and chronic inflammation!

  • Potassium: Potassium cations are required for brain and nerve function, and is essential for allowing muscle contraction (which is why they put it in all those sports drinks). Guava is rich in magnesium too, which is also required for correct muscle function. Magnesium is essential for many important for many cellular functions; magnesium deficiency is often undiagnosed and can lead to diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke.

  • Lycopene: The same active ingredient that makes tomatoes a potent cancer-fighting food is also abundant in guava. In a group of 48,000 men participating in a Harvard University study, 45% less risk of prostrate cancer was found in the group with additional lycopene in their diets.
So the title of "super fruit" is well earned and may even be an understatement! One guava has 260% of the daily RDI for vitamin C. I suggest you eat two.

Wikipedia; Guava & Vitamin C & Potassium, Magnesium: Nutritional Aspects, Health Benefits of Guava, The Daily Plate

Thursday, October 8, 2009

#Vegan ABC's: Flax seed may fight heart disease and cancer, and makes your vegan cookies "stick"!

Flax has been used by man for it's fibers since at least 34,000 BC. Flax seed is used in hundreds of food products including breads, crackers, even frozen waffles, and is even used in chicken feed to produce those eggs rich in omega-3. Flax seeds are a fantastic source of alpha linolenic acid (ALA), fiber, and important phytonutrient compounds called lignans.
  • Alpha linolenic acid: Possibly one the most important forms of omega-3, ALA, or alpha linolenic acid, has been shown to help the body resist the worst of chronic diseases. Numerous studies have shown the ALA in flax seeds may help lower blood pressure and cholesterol, halt the development of prostrate and breast cancer, and protect against heart attack, stroke, and diabetes.

  • Fiber: Flax seed contains both soluble and insoluble fiber, which helps lower cholesterol and aids digestion. Soluble fiber lowers cholesterol by preventing bile from being reabsorbed by the intestine. The liver then produces LDL receptors to pull cholesterol from the blood to produce more bile. How cool is that?!

  • Lignans: If flax seed was a football team, lignan compounds would be the star quarterback! Lignans are thought to protect against cancer by blocking enzymes and interfering with the growth of tumors. Studies have shown lignans are associated with reduced risk of breast, colon and prostrate cancers, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrom, and more!
But who cares about all that stuff? Show me the cookies! One tablespoon of ground flax seed mixed with three tablespoons of water replaces one egg in just about any baked good. So, sprinkle it on your smoothie or your cereal, or use it to make awesome vegan cookies and cupcakes, but get your flax seed today!

Sources: Wikipedia, The World's Healthiest Foods, Lignan: foods high in lignans, WebMD, Foods That Lower Cholesterol, Golden Flax

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

#Vegan ABC's: Eggplant is low in fat, rich in antioxidants, and reduces cholesterol!

Native to India, eggplant is a relative of the tomato and potato plants. Typically purple, white or green, over 80% of the world's eggplants come from China or India. Unheard of outside of India before 1500 CE, eggplant has become a delicious part of many recipes from around the world. Eggplant is low in fat, has loads of B vitamins and contains important phytonutrients such as chlorogenic acid and nasunin.
  • Low-fat: A 3½ ounce serving of eggplant has less than .19 grams of fat and only 2.35 grams of sugars. Obviously a low-fat diet prevents obesity and cardiovascular disease, but according to the Harvard School of Public Health a low-fat diet may also prevent "osteoporosis, age-related memory loss, macular degeneration, multiple sclerosis, infertility, and other chronic conditions".

  • B Vitamins: Eggplant contains thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), and folate (B9). According to researchers, a woman's risk of breast cancer is greatly reduced by a diet high in vitamin B6 and B9. B vitamins, especially folate, help the body to neutralize and eliminate excess homocysteine, an amino acid linked to heart disease and stroke when levels are too high.

  • Phytonutrients: Eggplants contain many phytonutrients, potent natural antioxidants produced to protect the plant from oxidative stress. One such phytonutrient, nasunin, has been found to protect our brain cells from damage by free radicals. But the most abundant of the phytonutrients found in eggplants - chlorogenic acid - has anti-cancer, anti-microbial, and anti-viral effects and also helps lower bad cholesterol!
So it might look a little funny, but eggplant is here to help! It can be stewed, roasted, fried or mashed, but however you like it, enjoy it in good health!

Wikipedia, Harvard School of Public Health, American Cancer Society, The World's Healthiest Foods

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

#Vegan ABC's: A little help from my readers?...

Yesterday I racked my brain for about an hour, Google-ing far and wide, even checking the index of every book I own pertaining to diet and nutrition, hoping to find fruits and vegetables that start with the letter "d". It's a short list so far: daikon, dates, and dill.

Today was not easy either. I finally came up with "eggplant". LOL! How hard was that? But what else starts with "e"? Does edamame count? It's a vegetable, but the name refers to a particular preparation of soy beans. hmm...

So, I'm asking for a little help here. I need to have a fruit, a vegetable, and an "other" (bean, nut, herb) for each letter. Can you help me fill in the blanks?
  • A: Apple, asparagus, almond
  • B: Banana, broccoli, barley
  • C: Cantaloupe, carrots, cinnamon
  • D: Dates, daikon, dill
  • E: _______, eggplant, _______
  • F: Figs, _______, flaxseed
  • G: Grapes, guava, garlic
  • H: _______, Horseradish, hazelnuts
  • I: _______, _______, ice cream?
  • J: _______, jicama, jalapeƱo
  • K: Kiwi, kale, _______
  • L: Lemon, _______, lentils
  • M: Mango, mushrooms, millet
  • N: Nectarines, _______, navy beans
  • O: Orange, Olives, oatmeal
  • P: Pineapple, pumpkin, parsley
  • Q: _______, quinoa, _______
  • R: Raspberries, _______, rosemary
  • S: _______, spinach, sesame
  • T: Tangerine, tomato, thyme
  • U: _______, _______, _______ (wow. tough one!)
  • V: _______, _______, _______ (another tough one!)
  • W: Watermelon, watercress, walnuts
  • X: _______, _______, _______ (give me a break. anyone?)
  • Y: _______, yam, yuca?
  • Z: _______, zucchini, _______
Please leave any ideas in the comments box below. I'm always happy to learn about new "super-foods", or even ordinary foods that are good to eat a good for you too!

Thank you all so much for your help!

Monday, October 5, 2009

#Vegan ABC's: Daikon may help fight cancer, stroke and heart disease

If you've never tried
daikon you've probably seen it. Shaped like a large, white carrot, daikon is similar to the smaller red radish, but milder in flavor. Daikon is a great addition to your salad, stir-fry and also makes a nice soup. Daikon provides plenty of vitamin C, folacin, and enzymes that aid in the digestion of oily or raw foods.
  • Vitamin C: A 50-gram serving of daikon provides 20% of the RDA of vitamin C. Vitamin C is an important antioxidant. A small amount of vitamin C is effective at protecting our DNA and RNA from damage by free radicals. Vitamin C is also essential to proper metabolism of cholesterol and may prevent gallstones.

  • Folacin: Folic acid - also known folacin - is required for many vital processes. Adequate concentrations of folacin may lower homocysteine. Elevated homocysteine is considered an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease and stroke, and may contribute to Alzheimer's disease, cancer, and other age-related illness.

  • Enzymes: Daikon contains important enzymes - diastase, amylase, and esterase - that help breakdown carbohydrates, fat and proteins so the can be used by our bodies. Other enzymes and "phenolic compounds" in daikon juice has been shown to blocks the formation of carcinogens in the stomach. The enzymes in daikon juice also help break down mucus and phlegm in the respiratory system.
Daikon can be prepared many ways and can even be eaten fresh and raw. Daikon may be a stranger to you, but your body will recognize it many benefits and you'll soon call it your friend!

Wikipedia, Mitoku, Strange Veggies: Daikon, National Cancer Institute

Sunday, October 4, 2009

#Vegan ABC's: Carrots help you see in the dark!

Everyone knows that eating carrots improves your vision, and can even help you see better in the dark! But did you know carrots also help protect against cancer, cardiovascular and heart disease? Carrots are rich in fiber and contain loads of beta-carotene and something called "falcarinol".
  • Fiber: A 3.5oz serving of carrots contains 3 grams of fiber, or about 10% of the adult RDI (Recommended Daily Intake). According to a study found in the American Journal of Epidemiology a diet rich in fiber from fresh fruits and vegetables and low in fat prevents the return of polyps.

  • Beta-carotene: Our bodies use beta-carotene to create vitamin A, a powerful antioxidant that is essential to good vision. Beta-carotene & vitamin A also help the body fight cancer, and the internal inflammation believed to lead to cardiovascular disease. Vitamin A is also important for the health of your skin and immune system.

  • Falcarinol: A Danish study found that cancer cells grow more slowly when exposed to falcarinol. Another study of 24 rats with precancerous colorectal cancers found the rats that were given falcarinol were about 33% less likely to develop full-scale cancer.
Carrots are high in sugar, so don't over do it, but make sure you get at least one serving daily. Your eyes - and colon and skin and heart - will thank you for years to come!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

#Vegan ABC's: Broccoli is so underrated!

Broccoli is easily one of my favorite foods. I like it fresh and raw or lightly steamed. The fresher the broccoli, the more abundant are it's many nutrient benefits, such as fiber, vitamin C and vitamin A, and your good friend glucoraphanin.
  • Fiber: A single ½-cup serving of broccoli has 2 grams of fiber, half of which is soluble fiber the other insoluble fiber. Fiber helps fight heart disease and cancer. Broccoli also contains 2 grams of protein!

  • Vitamin C: The same ½-cup serving of broccoli also contains 149% of the RDI of Vitamin C! Vitamin C stops cancer by preventing the damage to our DNA that causes cancer in the first place. Broccoli is also rich in Vitamin A, B-complex, calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

  • Glucoraphanin: You might be wondering just what is "glucoraphanin". Glucoraphanin is a precursor to sulforaphane, an organosulfur compound that protects the body from cancer, diabetes, and infection. Sulforaphane and diindolylmethane (also found in broccoli) help fight cancer growth.
So eat your broccoli! A plate full a fresh-cut vegetables is a perfect lunch and you can include broccoli every day!

Friday, October 2, 2009

#Vegan ABC's: Apple, the humble fruit

Apples are a great food to eat anytime, and this time of year they are plentiful. Packed with fiber, antioxidants, and a fistful of other nutritionals, an apple a day will help keep you healthy for years to come.
  • Fiber: Most apples contain from 3 to 5 grams of both soluble and insoluble fiber, at least 10% of the Recommended Daily Intake. Soluble fiber helps control cholesterol and insoluble fiber aids digestion and is known to prevent colon cancer.

  • Antioxidants: Apples contain vitamin C, vitamin A and carotene (if you eat the peel), powerful antioxidants that neutralize free radicals or "reactive oxygen species" (ROS). These free radicals are thought to cause damage to our DNA which leads to cancer. Apples also contain pectin, which helps the body eliminate heavy metals like lead and mercury.

  • Phytochemicals: From the Greek "phyto", meaning plant, phytochemicals are a class of nutrients found in many plants which studies show slow down the aging process and can prevent cancer, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, stroke, osteoporosis, and many other conditions of poor health.
Apples are the perfect breakfast or midday snack. Buy them fresh, local and organic without wax and enjoy one or two (or more) each day!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

How I quit smoking cigarettes for good!

The first time I quit smoking was over 20 years ago. I had just purchased a carton of cigarettes not long before and I gave all my friends a pack and told them I was quitting. Of course it wasn't long before I was bumming those some cigarettes off my friends!

September 23, 2009, marks one month since I quit smoking cigarettes for the last time. In honor of the day I would like to share some of what I've learned about quitting over the years. So here are a few key strategies to help YOU quit:
  1. Keep track! Count how many cigarettes you smoke each day. Just knowing how much you smoke will encourage you to cut back, which is an important step towards quitting. One way to do this is on a scrap of people you keep in your cigarette pack. Just make a mark every time you light up. Even easier is to start with a known number and count the remaining cigarettes at the end of the day.

  2. Set a goal! Now that you know how many cigarettes you smoke each day, start by reducing the number of cigarettes. If you smoke 20 cigarettes a day, try cutting back to 16. If you smoke 10, try 8 or even 6. If you smoke less than 5, just give it up! I don't suggest that you go cold turkey if you smoke a pack-a-day or more. Sooner or later, you will, but going cold turkey from smoking 2 packs a day is a lot tougher than going cold turkey from a half pack, or less. Believe me, I know this. Smoke a few cigarettes less each week until you get it down to a half-pack or less. In the meantime, you exercising self-discipline, and building on your success. Build on your successes and flush your "failures"!

  3. Change brands OFTEN! Smoking is a deeply embedded habit. The smell of an unlit cigarette, the feel of your favorite lighter, the taste of the smoke when you first light it up, even the color of the package is all internally associated with our enjoyment of smoking. You can begin to undo these associates - without subjecting yourself to nicotine withdrawals - by simply changing up the habit. If you smoke menthols, smoke regulars instead. If you smoke one brand, try another. If you smoke lights, try "full flavor" cigarettes (seriously). Try a different brand every day. You can also use nicotine gum - even if you don't quit smoking - as a way to break up your smoking routine and lessen the grip of the habit. There's nothing quite like hot coffee and a fresh piece of Nicorette! Save a few cigarettes for after meals (and sex, of course).

  4. Make a PUBLIC declaration! Tell everyone you know that you are going to quit! Once you've cut back to 4-8 cigarettes a day and you're ready to really give it up, TELL EVERYONE! If you can't do this, you know in your heart that you're not serious about quitting. Put yourself on the hook! Tell your family, friends, coworkers, even your spouse! You'll be amazed by how much support you receive and when it's not going well, those little words of encouragement make a HUGE difference! Sometimes all it takes is a little lift to keep you on track. Get all the support you can to get yourself past those rough spots. As an added benefit, you might even inspire someone you know to quit too! The life you save may not be just your own!

  5. NEVER give up! There is no such thing as failure when you are trying to quit smoking! Everyday without cigarettes is a success. Everyday you smoke less than you did before is a success. Everyday you are even AWARE you are smoking too much is a success because it brings you closer to making a decision to quit. If you quit and started smoking again, then quit again! If you can start smoking after quitting, then you can quit smoking after starting. If you can't bring yourself to quit for good, quit for a month, or a week, or a day. Quit smoking before noon. Quit smoking after dinner. Every little step strengthens your "quitting muscle" and makes it easier the next time. Keep quitting and quitting and quitting until you finally quit for good!
Above all, never give up! I've quit hundreds of times. If nothing else, each time my body got a break from the nicotine and toxins that come with smoking. Better yet, I may have smoked my last cigarette. When will you smoke yours?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

All about mercury poisoning. Part 2 of 2.

For people who have mercury poisoning, the first step is to stop further exposure to the toxic metal. If they have silver-amalgam dental fillings, there may be good reason to consider replacing them with composite fillings. If they live in an urban area, they may want one or more air purifiers. Plants can also be a great air purifier. The common spider plant is one of the best! Most people are aware of the mercury risks in many fish and seafood. There are many species that are very safe to eat and others not so much. For fish lovers, the Monterey Bay Aquarium in Monterey, California has an excellent resource called “Seafood WATCH”.

The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) defines chelation as "the formation or presence of bonds (or other attractive interactions) between two or more separate binding sites within the same ligand and a single central atom." Simply put, a chelating agent is ingested or injected, which bonds to another compound (in this case toxic heavy metals) and neutralizes the other compound, allowing it to be eliminated naturally. Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is a common oral chelating agent and is also a powerful antioxidant. Chlorella is single-celled algae that has been shown to enhance immune functions and lower cholesterol and blood-pressure, is often used for chelating mercury. Dimercapto-propane sulfonate (DMPS) is commonly used when oral chelating agents have not worked or mercury levels are very high, by way of a series of injections in your largest muscle – the indispensable gluteus maximus.

Fasting is a common detoxifying practice. When the digestive system has nothing else to do the body begins to throw out the garbage, desperate for anything it can use to make glucose. The liver, kidneys and other internal organs get a long vacation and all the “crap” starts moving the other direction. There are many accounts of dramatic recoveries from serious and chronic disease as a result of a long-term water fast. I’ll definitely be covering this topic again!

Last but not least, alkaline water is said to help the body eliminate toxins. The so called “ionized” water is said to permeate the cell walls more efficiently and eliminate waste and toxins at a cellular level. According to Wikipedia “drinking ionized water would not be expected to alter the body's pH”, but the article overlooks the stress incurred to the body by the process of offsetting a very acidic diet. Obviously water is essential and I will explore the importance of pH in great depth shortly.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

All about mercury poisoning. Part 1 of 2.

Mercury poisoning is a condition in which the body has absorbed toxic quantities of mercury compounds. Mercury (Hg) is an elemental metal that has many industrial applications. If you are of a certain age your mother probably used a thermometer with mercury in it. As the temperature went up, the mercury expands and fills the gauge. I once had an old thermostat that used a mercury switch. But not all mercury pollution comes from humans. Volcanoes and other natural sources account for about half of the mercury in our atmosphere. Coal-fired plants contribute another 40% in the US and the rest comes from other industrial activities such as mining, cement product and waste disposal.

Pure mercury is uncommon and mercury is more often found in other forms.Elemental mercury is not easily absorbed by skin contact or ingestion. Mercury salts are more readily absorbed through the skin and digestive system and can lead to serious health consequences. Methylmercury is the largest source of mercury contamination as it has contaminated our food supply and accumulates in fish other food products. Many people are aware of the mercury found in fish and other seafood; the smallest fish accumulate mercury found in the plants and insects in their diet and as they are consumed by larger and still larger fish, the amount of mercury we are exposed to increases. (So a good rule of thumb is to eat smaller fish and avoid the largest such as shark and tuna.)

Dental amalgams are a known source of low-level mercury exposure, but the American Dental Association (ADA) states “Dental amalgam has been studied and reviewed extensively, and has established a record of safety and effectiveness.” The ADA’s Council on Scientific Affairs claimed in 1998 "There currently appears to be no justification for discontinuing the use of dental amalgam." An article on states, “According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there is little scientific evidence that the health of the vast majority of people with dental amalgam is compromised, nor that removing amalgam fillings has a beneficial effect on health.” However in the same article they say “Mercury from dental amalgam is a major source of controllable mercury released to the environment and likely will remain a significant concern into the future.”

Really? It’s okay to have it in your mouth all your life, but if we bury it in a landfill it could contaminate our drinking water. Really?!?

Symptoms for mercury poisoning vary depending on the type mercury compound a person is exposed to. Methylmercury poisoning is indicated by itching, burning or pain; skin discoloration, pink cheeks and fingertips; swelling and peeling skin. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), symptoms of elemental mercury poisoning are “tremors; emotional changes (e.g., mood swings, irritability, nervousness, excessive shyness); insomnia; neuromuscular changes (such as weakness, muscle atrophy, twitching); headaches; disturbances in sensations; changes in nerve responses; performance deficits on tests of cognitive function.”

In my next blog I will discuss various treatment options for mercury poisoning, including chelation, ionized water and fasting. Until then, your comments are always welcome!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Gearing up for the big fast!

It's been almost 4 weeks since I quit smoking cigarettes and only 3 days since I quit drinking coffee. The goal is to (somewhat) gradually ween myself off of the "crap" so I can do a 7-day water fast.

Why would I do this? Generally, I'm a health freak and I'm convinced there's merit to the practice of fasting (more to come on that). Specifically, I found out that I have mercury poisoning and I want to lower that as much as possible as soon as possible. I believe fasting could be the answer.

My doctor also suggested chlorella and I've read some good thing about that. Apparently it's an amazing superfood we should all be taking and be sure you get it in tablet form. I found out the powder is pretty hard to consume unless you mix it with your food, such as a shake, which gives it a decidedly "fishy" flavor (it is just an algae after all).

Furthermore, I'll be continuing my health education. I'll be reading (and rereading) my library of books on health and nutrition, searching for commonality, and discussing the differences. I aim to keep an open mind and explore various topics, starting with some basics such as the most common diseases and how to prevent them, moving onto looking at some specific nutritional supplements, water purification and alkalization, heavy metals and other toxins, and even the future of medicine, including bio-tech and nano-tech.

The Health Freak Tweets...